FNPS Education Committee Goals by Kari Ruder

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on: November 24, 2008, 03:25:39 PM
Education Committee Implementation Plan and Task List
DRAFT September 23, 2008
By Kari Ruder, FNPS Education Chair

Task Name:   Native Plant Display Gardens                  
Volunteer Assigned to:
Plan Objectives Addressed: 1.a.ii. and 1.a.vii
Audience Served: all, particularly homeowners, HOA’s, landscape architects, community groups
Potential Partners, Funding, etc.: Organizations/Landowners of the gardens
Status: 9/08 - incomplete

Description: Identify and create a list of all native plant display gardens and interpretation areas open to the public.  Write an article for FNPS state and chapter publications asking for help in obtaining the names, locations, landowners, contact information, websites, etc. for all gardens with some sort of focus on native plants (whether the whole garden or a portion of).  Additionally to find gardens, research online, contact municipalities, chambers of commerce, regional botanic institutes, garden clubs, etc.  Compile the list of gardens by county. The list shall be publicized through newsletters, publications, the website, and more to encourage residents, students, community organizations, local decision makers, etc. to visit the gardens and view gardens and landscapes comprised of attractive native plants.

Task Name:   Compile FNPS Educational Materials                  
Volunteer Assigned to:
Plan Objective Addressed: 1.a.iv.
Audience Served: Various
Potential Partners, Funding, etc.: Chapters
Status: 9/08 - incomplete

Description: Identify and obtain copies of all materials produced by FNPS and its chapters that warrant further distribution amongst other chapters and/or the public. Often times chapters (usually through their members) produce some high quality educational material such as PowerPoint presentations/slide shows, handouts, booklets, etc. that could be used for educational purposes outside of the individual chapter.  Locate this information, obtain a copy, identify the author/producer and their contact information, find out if the author/producer is willing or not to give FNPS permission to use and/or reproduce their material (with credit given to the author/producer), and compile these materials for a sub-team of the education committee to sort through.

Task Name:   Compile Non-FNPS FL Native Plant Educational Materials         
Volunteer Assigned to:
Plan Objective Addressed: 1.a.v.
Audience Served: Various
Potential Partners, Funding, etc.: Contributing Organizations/Individuals
Status: 9/08 - incomplete

Description Identify and obtain copies of Florida native plant related educational materials produced by non-FNPS organizations or individuals that warrant further distribution amongst FNPS chapters and/or the public.  Many other organizations at the local, state, and even federal level produce educational materials on Florida Native Plants to educate various audiences on subjects ranging from habitat conservation to water conservation to endangered species.  Much of this information is complimentary to the goals and objectives of FNPS.  Locate this information, obtain a copy, identify the author/producer/organization and their contact information, find out if the author/producer is willing or not to give FNPS permission to use and/or reproduce their material (with credit given to the author/producer), and compile these materials for a sub-team of the education committee to sort through.

Task Name:   Educational Presentations                         
Volunteer Assigned to:
Plan Objective Addressed: 1.a.vi, several – see table
Audience Served: Various
Potential Partners, Funding, etc.: Staff working for environmental departments of local government offices, other environmental groups and agencies
Status: 9/08 - incomplete

Description: Using compiled educational materials, presentations, and resources (with permission given) as well as local expertise, develop a series of educational presentations that can be given by members and potentially other volunteers or partners, throughout the state to various audiences and groups. The presentations should be either in PowerPoint or in a video type format and include notes and/or talking points for use by the presenter. Create a series of presentations that relate to an overall focus (landscaping, habitat restoration, habitat preservation, sustainable development). Series topics and target audiences include:

Presentation Name   Description   Target Audience   Plan Objective
Landscaping series: Take back your yard    A how to on converting your traditional water hogging, lawn dominating landscape to an attractive native plant filled yard, focusing on planning, small steps, plants that are attractive, creating zones (rain gardens, drought-tolerant, shade, etc.), and adding plants that provide a function, in an affordable, doable way.   Home-owners, HOA’s and small business/landowners   1.b.iv, 1.b.viii,1.b.xi
Landscaping for coastal residences and businesses   An overview/how to of appropriate and useful native plant choices for landscapes in coastal areas that are salt, wind, and drought tolerant, help stabilize sandy soils, provide wind breaks, etc. while giving the homeowner a visually appealing and sustainable landscape.    Home-owners, HOA’s and small business/landowners   1.b.iv, 1.b.viii,1.b.xi
Landscaping for waterfront residences and businesses   An overview/how to of appropriate and useful native plant choices for landscapes adjacent to waterways and wetlands that can tolerate fluctuating water levels, help stabilize shorelines and prevent erosion, retain and improve views of the waterway, filter or decrease runoff, etc. while giving the homeowner a visually appealing and sustainable landscape.   Home-owners, HOA’s and small business/landowners   1.b.iv, 1.b.viii,1.b.xi
Landscaping for energy and water conservation, and saving money   An overview of native plant species that can be used to conserve energy in the home by shading south facing windows, walls and other overheated sources, using natives to create no-water zones, catch water runoff, etc.    Home-owners, HOA’s, property owners, local governments, developers, landscapers, planners    1.b.iv, 1.b.viii,1.b.xi
Habitat Restoration & Preservation – learning native plant communities   Teach the audience the types of natural communities throughout Florida and where they live so they can better identify natural communities, which plants comprise them, hydrology, potential invasive plants or plants out of place, and man-made negative changes to those communities   FNPS members, scientific community, other environmental groups   1.b.i, 1.b.ii,
1.b.iii, 1.b.v.,  1.b.ix, 1.b.x
Restoration – carrying out a project   Outline the steps needed to conduct a restoration project on a small scale   FNPS members, scientific community, other environmental groups   1.b.i through 1.b.vi
Habitat Restoration and Preservation – Maintaining natural systems in a non-natural world    Overview and explain the threats to natural habitats and ecosystems from the lack of the natural processes that shape them. Explain the need for prescribed fire and how it works, hydrological modifications and restoration, and invasive plant removal – activities that may have an impact on the local humans. Try to get understanding and buy-in from the audience to support these activities.   Homeowners, HOA’s, local governments, planners, landscape architects, businesses, other landowners   1.b.i through 1.b.vi, 1.b.viii
Habitat Preservation – What do we have and what have we lost   Describe the vast diversity of habitats, plants and animals in Florida, how they are dependent on one another, how much and what kinds of habitats (and their species) have been lost (with before and after photos if possible, and the role acquisition agencies and your tax dollars play in preserving these properties (focus on land acquisition planning for key habitats and corridors, etc.)   All, especially homeowners (taxpayers), local governments, developers, large landowners   1.b.i, 1.b.ii,
1.b.iii, 1.b.v.,
1.b.vii,  1.b.ix, 1.b.x
Habitat Preservation – Conservation Programs for Private Landowners   Overview the wide range of programs available to private landowners that provide financial or other incentive to preserve the land in a natural or undeveloped state. (See BCNRMO website overview  http://www.brevardcounty.us/environmental_management/assets/documents/pdf/ConservationChoicesIncentivesLandowners.pdf  plus add to this)
Developers, large private landowners, agricultural landowners, land planners, local gov’ts   1.b.ii, 1.b.iv, 1.b.vi, 1.b.viii
Sustainable Development – What is it   Provide an overview of green development practices that relate to plant and habitat conservation and native landscaping, such as smart growth, green roofs, soil preservation, improved natural stormwater systems, and other low-impact development techniques. Site examples of where these techniques are being done locally and the benefits of them.    Local governments, engineers, planners, developers, green businesses, nursery growers   1.b.i, 1.b.iv, 1.b.vi,
1.b.ix, 1.b.xi
Sustainable Development – The FNPS model landscape ordinance   Overview the FNPS model landscape ordinance and explain how it could be incorporated into the given local government. Site examples of other communities using the ordinance (or parts of), and explain the goals, objectives, and benefits of using this ordinance   Local governments, engineers, planners, developers, nursery growers   1.b.i, 1.b.iv, 1.b.v, 1.b.viii, 1.b.xi

Task Name:   Improving Educational Content on the FNPS Website               
Volunteer Assigned to:
Plan Objective Addressed: 1.a.vi
Audience Served: Homeowners, HOA’s, landowners, children
Potential Partners, Funding, etc.: AFNN, universities, state, local, and federal environmental agencies, environmental groups
Status: 9/08 - incomplete

Description: Revise the FNPS website to provide educational resources and/or links to other websites with valuable educational resources. Categorize the educational tools and resources into subjects like residential landscaping, business and community landscaping, development and large scale native landscaping, endangered and threatened plants, exotic invasive pest plants, habitat restoration/preservation, outdoor education and recreation opportunities so that resources are located easier. Develop attractive, catchy graphics and content to engage the viewer and keep them interested in learning. Utilize archive material, relevant material from other organizations, etc. so that it can be accessed from one central location. 

Task Name:   Disseminate    syndicated educational articles in collaboration with Communications Committee               
Volunteer Assigned to:
Plan Objective Addressed: 1.a.vii
Audience Served: depends on the target audience of the article
Potential Partners, Funding, etc.:
Status: 9/08 - incomplete

Description: Identify key articles that would be well suited and timely for FNPS publications and provide a copy to the Communications Committee.

Task Name:   Provide recognition of projects and activities benefiting the advocacy of native plants.                     
Volunteer Assigned to:
Plan Objective Addressed: 1.a.viii
Audience Served: residents, homeowners, community groups, landscape professionals
Potential Partners, Funding, etc.:
Status: 9/08 - incomplete

Description: Develop a way to identify and track projects. Projects might be found through chapter members, garden clubs, etc. Put out a call for projects in chapter newsletters and other FNPS publications. Develop a recognition system to showcase these projects or activities and provide information on how and why the project or activity was completed to encourage other people to take on similar projects or activities.

Task Name:   Promote more research involving native plants.                  
Volunteer Assigned to:
Plan Objective Addressed: 1.a.ix
Audience Served: Scientific community, government agencies, students
Potential Partners, Funding, etc.: Florida Wildflower Advisory Council, AFNN, Government Agencies
Status: 9/08 - incomplete

Description: Develop a contact list of target audience sources (universities, scientific research organizations, etc.) that can be notified when grant money is available. Promote native plant research by highlighting some past projects (goal, outcome, how that research benefits native plants today, etc.), clearly stating grant requirements, offering suggestions for potential research projects or needs, and more. Make grant programs more appealing to a broader audience and make grants known in a timely manner. 

Task Name:   Online native landscape tutorial                         
Volunteer Assigned to:
Plan Objective Addressed: 1.a.x.
Audience Served: Homeowners, HOAs, local governments, community groups
Potential Partners, Funding, etc.: UF, DEP, FL Yards and Neighborhoods, WMDs
Status: 9/08 - incomplete

Description: Work with www.floridayards.org coordinator to expand the landscape tutorial to include an increased diversity of native plants for users to select from for creating their landscape. Also work to create additional landscape templates to choose from that more accurately reflect the diversity of residential landscape situations that exist.  Promote this online tutorial to FNPS members and the public.

Task Name:   Plant Rescues/Salvage                        
Volunteer Assigned to:
Plan Objective Addressed: 1.a.xi.
Audience Served: FNPS members, local garden groups, botanic institutes, government agencies
Potential Partners, Funding, etc.: local government agencies, botanic institutes, garden clubs
Status: 9/08 - incomplete

Description: Work with the Tarflower chapter to disseminate their plant rescue/salvage work to other chapters.  Identify and clarify rules and regulations regarding the removal of native plants, identify partners like permitting agencies who can notify you or local chapter contacts when lands are approved for clearing, and educate members on how to successfully salvage and cultivate plants. Identify botanic institutes that can provide support for rescues and utilize the salvaged material in educational display gardens. Emphasize maintaining local plant population genetics by encouraging nurseries to also get involved and utilize local seed sources through salvage projects, in their growing efforts rather than buying in plant material that originates throughout the state.

Task Name:                           
Volunteer Assigned to:
Plan Objective Addressed:
Audience Served:
Potential Partners, Funding, etc.:
Status: 9/08 - incomplete


Task Name:                           
Volunteer Assigned to:
Plan Objective Addressed:
Audience Served:
Potential Partners, Funding, etc.:
Status: 9/08 - incomplete


Task Name:                           
Volunteer Assigned to:
Plan Objective Addressed:
Audience Served:
Potential Partners, Funding, etc.:
Status: 9/08 - incomplete


Task Name:                           
Volunteer Assigned to:
Plan Objective Addressed:
Audience Served:
Potential Partners, Funding, etc.:
Status: 9/08 - incomplete


Task Name:                           
Volunteer Assigned to:
Plan Objective Addressed:
Audience Served:
Potential Partners, Funding, etc.:
Status: 9/08 - incomplete


Task Name:                           
Volunteer Assigned to:
Plan Objective Addressed:
Audience Served:
Potential Partners, Funding, etc.:
Status: 9/08 - incomplete


Task Name:                           
Volunteer Assigned to:
Plan Objective Addressed:
Audience Served:
Potential Partners, Funding, etc.:
Status: 9/08 - incomplete


Task Name:                           
Volunteer Assigned to:
Plan Objective Addressed:
Audience Served:
Potential Partners, Funding, etc.:
Status: 9/08 - incomplete


Karina Veaudry