2017 Budget Draft requests-due 7/25/16

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Kim Zarillo

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  • FNPS Treasurer
  • Posts: 121
  • Treasurer
on: July 07, 2016, 05:10:55 PM
Hello All, Each Committee Chair and Executive Committee member is requested to provide their budget expenses and anticipated revenues if they are known. Please communicate budget requests by July 25, 2016. ;)

Instructions: The attached budget worksheet has two tabs. 1. Income  2. Expense
Please provide a justification in the budget and a dollar amount in the columns labeled 2017 for each item requested.
If you do not use excel. Please send your request in an email or call me. 321-544-2680. If I do not receive communication from you, I will not enter an amount in the budget.

We will discuss the draft final during our Aug. 13, 2016 Board Mtg.
Thank you, Kim Zarillo, Treasurer
PS. Jonnie, Thank you for submitting your request. 
« Last Edit: July 07, 2016, 05:18:19 PM by Kim Zarillo »